Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Zip Lining Layout Using Later Sk8r Paper

I take a lot of photos. I really mean A LOT of photos. I see layouts posted that are beautiful but they have just one photo on it. That will never work for me. I may have a special photo that I will showcase on its own but that is very rare. Plus I try to keep to my rule of no more than one page per day in the album. This keeps my albums down to two 12x12 albums per year. I do end up with a couple of mini books for special events but that's OK. They aren't part of the main family albums.

So, here's the challenge. Taking out a group, such as my Girl Scout Troop, do I highlight one good group photos? Do I take a few pictures that I really like? Or do I make sure everyone is included in the layout? This is the challenge I faced for the following layout.

I decided with including everyone in this layout. That's right- 15 pictures on one page. Luckily only six girls and one adult were zip lining that day. If all 15 Girl Scouts went on this trip, I never would have been able to do this. I must admit that I wasn't sure this was going to work. I had the idea in my mind, but sometimes I am just not able to transfer my ideas to paper. This time, I'm happy to report, it came out great. I was very pleased with the layout.

I have the group picture in the middle. Then I have a picture of each girl zip lining and a close up picture of her right after she landed. Everyone is showcased.

The group picture is a standard 4x6. The smaller photos were printed as wallets, cut down to size, and mounted on Daisy White paper. Each girl's portrait was then pop dotted up.

I use wallets a lot in my layouts. Basically I get more photos on a layout if I do. To order wallets on most sites, you end up with four of the same picture on a wallet sheet. There are a few sites that allow you to change the wallet sheets.The Costco Photo Organizer is a great tool that allows you to make a set of wallets from four different pictures. It also allows you to make smaller photos as well. It is the program I use but unfortunately, Costco no longer supports it so I can't find a link to give you this program.

Another site to get wallets is Fotofriend. The program allows you to design your wallet sheets and allows various sizes of pictures. I'm afraid I have not tried it out yet but have heard good things about it. If you try this site, please tell me your opinions.

Hope you are all working on my challenge of a page a day in the month of May!

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