Saturday, May 25, 2013

Snow Layout? On Memorial Day Weekend?

Snow? Really? yes, here it is. I'm in the wrong season again. I should be scrapping layouts involving BBQs and picnics. But instead, I grabbed some photos from last December and scrapped those. Of course, sunny California may be sunny right now but it is also a bit cold. I have been wearing sweaters all week. So, maybe my body just thinks it is still winter so I just naturally gravitated to the snow pictures.

 I used the Avonlea paper pack for this layout. The Yosemite title was cut using the Arstiste cricut cartridge. A must have cartridge but not for the font-- for the 700 images you can make with this cartridge. This nice looking font is just a bonus. The flourishes are from an old stamp of the month set that is no longer available.

I wanted to write a lot about the trip. My kids have seldom seen snow. We spent three days hiking and playing in the snow so I wanted to make sure all the details were written somewhere but I didn't want to take up an entire page of the scrapbook on just words. So I hid the journal box.

There is a pocket on the back of the paper that holds a 8x10 sheet of writing with a tab at the top that says "pull me." Our whole trip is documented down to the last detail including my middle child falling asleep on the bumpy shuttle bus in the park.

We took over 300 pictures on this trip. A two page layout just doesn't give me enough room for all these pictures. But once again I must stick to my rule-- no more than a page per day in the album. I ended up with two pages to represent three days. So, to show off the rest of the pictures, I created a mini album which I will share with you tomorrow.

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend. And have fun with paper today!

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