Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

While I was celebrating New Year's Eve last night, I snuck away from the party and quickly made up my 2013 journal. In the past I have written my intentions in a journal and tracked my progress or lack thereof. I haven't done that in a couple of year so I wanted to make sure I did it this year. This year, I used the My Creations Canvas Journal (Z1774). When I realized that I hadn't decorated my journal yet, I went into the craft room and quickly put it together. The only plan I had was to have 2013 in the ghost image down the book. That was done using a second generation stamp-- I inked up the stamp, stamped in on scratch paper, then stamped the book without reinking. I do like how that come out. However, now that I am more awake, I'm not sure I like the ribbon I choose. That may change in the next few days. 

All in all, I am happy I have my journal ready. Before turning out the light last night, I wrote a page of things I hope for in the coming year. I will be writing in it on a regular basis all year and hopefully noting the progress toward my goals.

Hope you all have a Happy 2013 and be sure to have fun with paper all year long!

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