Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Victory Layout

Scrapbooking with Mer, I worked on a layout for my project 365. I have 2 days represented on this layout which is all about my youngest. I added a paragraph all about his favorites and least favorite things today. Since these things change so often with kids, I want to make sure I write that in the album every once in a while.

I used the Victory Paper Pack (X1750B). I wasn't sure about this paper pack originally. But since I have two boys, I thought I had better check it out. Now that I have worked with it, I do like it and will continue to use the paper. I really love the cream colored ledger paper which I used for the journalling block.

You might try sanding the edges of your pictures as I have done here. It gives the photo a rugged look.

The title is done with the Eclectic Alphabet (Z1395) inked with Outdoor Denim ink. I love ink! Look at my fingers.

Most people can ink up paper without getting it all over. But not me. You can always tell when I have been playing with ink.

Now, back to my pages. I think I might try to get another page done tonight.

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