Saturday, August 16, 2014

Enjoying Older Photos

Yesterday afternoon I was preparing to go out with friends to a crop at Scrapbook Territory in Berkeley. I had been planning all week that I was going to work on a My Crush book documenting a recent trip. But as I was packing, I realized that I didn't have the pictures! I never picked them up! So what was I going to work on?

I tend to only print pictures when I have a plan for them. But before I went digital, I printed pictures every time I finished a roll of film (and there were a lot of rolls!). I have never scrapped all those old pictures and have several boxes of photos printed and waiting for me. With no pictures to scrap, I went for one of the boxes and hit 1998.

In 1998, we were a family of four- not five. My middle child was born that year. I loved looking at the old photos and spent some time with my memories. It took some time before I could actually pull myself away from the box.

I finally picked some pictures and some paper and headed off to meet my friends.

I chose some Halloween week photos from 1998. I was surprised to see that we went to three Halloween parties that year! Seeing us in costume made me laugh so hard. We called my oldest (then two years old) the Wild Thing. My mom made us all costumes from Where the Wild Things Are with Caitlyn as Max.

One thing that was nice about scrapbooking these photos so long after the events was that I was able to let go of a lot of photos. If I scrapped this layout right away, I probably would have taken all three events and trick or treating and put them all on different pages. With time, I was able to distance myself from the photos and be a bit choosy on which photos to use. I didn't need them all-- just a sampling. 

Once I was able to cut down the photos, the layout came easy. I used Scaredy Cat paper pack and complements along with black shimmer trim. That's it! The paper pack and complements made it so easy!

I'm planning to continue working on 1998. I don't have much left to finish off that year. How wonderful it will be when I have the entire year in the albums.

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