Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Halloween Popped Card

I love fall. I love the fall colors and leaves. I really love the pumpkin patch. But Halloween to me is just a stressful day to get my kids in some sort of costume. As a mom, I should  love Halloween! I should love going to the carnivals and trick or treating. Unfortunately, I don't. I don't want to be scared. I worry far too much about the day to day stuff to want to be scared when a ghost pops out at me in a haunted house. 

That being said, I do try to be the "good" mom and celebrate Halloween. I would NEVER be the house without the candy (although I do have to admit that I usually have pretzel or goldfish packets in the bowl too and let the kids choose). We always decorate the porch. And I try to get my kids to wear a costume. Now that they are teens, it just isn't cool to wear a costume. 

Sending out a card for Halloween is not something I usually do. With my oldest away at college as are several of my nieces, I try to send out cards to them on a regular basis. A Halloween card this month seems to be the right choice. 

Here is one of my fun Halloween cards:

Nothing scary here. Just really cute. Look at that ghost! He is one happy ghost! 

The front of the card is very simple using a little paper and some stamps.

Inside, I used our adhesive spring and made that ghost pop up. 

Simple, quick, and best of all-- FUN!

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