Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Crush Book

I spent last weekend relaxing with my girl friends at a scrapbooking retreat in Carmel. Oh! How I love these weekends! This retreat was hosted by Scrapbook U. I truly recommend taking advantage of Monica and Veronica's fabulous service. They take care of all the details so you can just relax and work on your crafting.

And I did. I relaxed. I laughed with my friends. I took a walk to the beach and saw dolphins playing in the surf. I sat in front of the fire. It was a wonderful weekend.

Plus I worked on my craft. I made cards, finished a lot of scrapbook pages, and finished a My Crush album.

I am working on the My Crush Bluebird album to showcase my September photo of the day pictures. I follow a blog called Fat Mum Slim which puts out a monthly list of photo prompts.  I try to use that photo prompt sometime during the day and take a picture of my family. I usually get one or two a week. But in September, I decided to commit to getting a picture every day.

And I did. Some days were harder than others. Some days I just totally missed the perfect shot. But all in all, the set of pictures were great. I took pictures of things I hadn't thought of taking pictures of -- like my engagement ring. The prompt was vintage. My husband gave me a vintage ruby and diamond ring as my engagement ring. It was so beautiful and so different. I still love it more than anything I owe. However, I don't wear it. I wear very little jewelry and no rings at all. When I took the ring out to photograph it, I discovered that my daughter didn't know I had it. Being able to tell the story of the ring made my taking these photos all the more important to me. 

I took all those wonderful pictures and put them in the My Crush book. I gave an explanation of each photo.  This book ended up being a snap shot of my life. 

The pages of the My Crush book are in place and you can't change things around. This is a great book for a lot of different projects. I think I'd use this as a travel album. I can keep a journal and add postcards and ticket stubs. I am also thinking about this as a gift for a few teenage girls I know. 

There are two sets of paper embellishments that you can add to it. 

You can also stamp in the book. I added these flowers and then added a little glitz to put a bit of sparkle.

One of the assortments comes with little envelopes. Here I added our favorite cookie recipe which is really the recipe on the nestle chocolate chip package with a little tweaking.

I really enjoyed working on this project and think I need to do it again. December sounds like the perfect month for a photo of the day album.

Here are the products used:
My Crush Bluebird Book

My Crush Memories Assortment

My Crush My Favorites Assortment

Enjoy! And be sure to have fun with paper today!

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