Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Remembering the Details

Today is the first day of school for my three. It is my last first day of school with all three of them starting at once. Weird to think about. My oldest is a Senior in high school. She will have a first day of school next year but not at the same time as her brothers. College will have a different start date and she probably will not be leaving from my front door as she has the past 13 years. This is my last first day of school picture with all three.

Every year, every transition brings some sort of excitement. I am not one of those moms who wishes her kids were still small. I loved them when they were babies. But I love them now even more. I love talking to them about their plans, hopes, and dreams. I love helping them with their challenges. Yes, they are teenagers and sometimes I want to strangle them. But hey, that is life. I am just one who believes we should not look back but embrace each moment.

This is one reason I love scrapbooking. With my albums I can embrace that moment and remember it. I can move on without worrying about forgetting those cherished times. It is more than the pictures. There is a story behind the picture and I need to capture it.

Yesterday, I took the kids to Fenton's for ice cream as a celebration of the new school year.

I always make the new year a celebration instead of a wake (as a friend of mine tends to do). Sure I'm not ready for the homework and the projects, but I think the kids need to feel that this is a great opportunity. Getting a good education means a good future. Not everyone has such an opportunity- do not take it for granted.

At our celebration, we talked about the coming year. I asked each a few questions:

1. What are your hopes for the new year?
2. What are you looking forward to this years?
3. What are you dreading this year?

Yes, they rolled their eyes at me. They are teenagers after all. But they did give me answers and we had a fabulous conversation about school. I wrote down the answers and will add it to the album. One more piece of who they are today to remember. If I ask those same questions two months from now they will be different.

Every once in a while we need to interview family members. Where they are today is different from where they will be next year. Remember those details. Write them down. And scrapbook them.

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