Saturday, February 2, 2013

Happy Anniversary to My Blog and a Tommy Card

Today is the anniversary of my blog! Funny how it has been a whole year. Having the blog has kept me on my toes, reminding me that I need to work on my paper crafts and keep things fresh. I have also had a lot of fun checking out other crafter's blogs and seeing what they do (and learning from their ideas). I have really had fun watching my numbers of hits, noticing how many people actually look at my blog. It has been quite exciting to see the numbers go up over the year. In the beginning, I had to beg my friends to look just so I can have one hit. Now, I don't worry about it. People look! Wow! Thank you for looking! I hope I have given you ideas and inspired you to have fun with paper. I hope the next year will be even better. 

I made this card for several reasons. I am leading a class at a Girl Scout Leader training tomorrow. This is one of the cards we will be making. I thought it would be great to give to those girls graduating from high school and bridging from Girl Scout Ambassador to Leader this June.

Also I am participating in two blog challenges -- Mojo Monday (MOJO278) and the Heart 2 Heart Challenge.

I used the Tommy Workshop on the Go Scrapbooking kit. I really love the "Follow your Dreams" stamp. I can see I'll be using that a lot in the future.  Tommy is a fun paper pack. Love the colors.

Workshop on the Go Tommy Scrapbooking Kit (G1058)
Shimmer Trim- Silver (Z1799)
Inks- daisy white, outdoor denim, desert sand

Take a look at challenge boards and see what you can do. Be sure to have fun with paper today!


  1. Love the addition of the glitter paper! Thanks for playing with us at H2H!

  2. I love this card and how you used the Tommy paper and the shimmer tape. Great job, thanks for playing with us at H2H

  3. I love this paper packet and that you've added some "glitter" to it!

  4. I like the combination of Tommy with a splash of glitter! Thanks for sharing your art with us at Heart2Heart Challenges this week!

