Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Digital Scrapbooking

Close To My Heart's Studio J is having a sale! Just $5 for a two page layout.

So, I decided to take advantage of the sale and get caught up on some pictures.

I take a lot of pictures. I document every event it seems. So I am always behind on my scrapbooks-- which is just fine. I don't let myself get upset over it, and I don't feel like a failure because of it.

Even though I love to play with paper and I love ink all over my fingers, sometimes I need to get a few pages done quickly. That's when I turn to digital scrapbooking. Working with Studio J, I can finish 3 layouts in less than an hour. And I am able to get a lot of pictures on one layout. I do have the digital layouts in the same album as my regular paper layouts. My scrapbooking friends notice. After all, scrapbooking friends are looking at what I am doing and seeing how to copy- the same way I look at their albums. However, most people don't notice there is a difference.

Studio J is perfect to get pages done quickly without the guilt. It is also great for those who really don't want to play with paper (I never understand those people). Some people just need to get the pictures out of their computer and have it done. We all need  a little quick projects at times.

Check out Studio J. Play with the program a little. With the sale going on until March 15, it is a great time to give Studio J a try.

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