Thursday, May 30, 2013

Yosemite in the Snow Mini Album

I promised to post my mini album a few days ago, but life got in the way. Sorry about that.

I used a Little Yellow Bicycle 6x6 album as a base adding Avonlea paper on top.  I have been using Avonlea a lot lately. I just really like it and it seems to go with everything. This paper will be discontinued in August. I will be sad to see it go.

I used wallet sized photos or smaller on each of the pages. I had so many beautiful photos. It was hard to pick which ones to use. Below is the above page flap opened up.

Each picture is inked along the edges with chocolate ink. Many people ink up the paper ( I did that too), but few crafters ink the edges of the pictures. Gives it a really nice look. Be careful when you do this. Not all  inks work on photo paper. Wipe the excess ink off on scratch paper before putting near your book.

A fold out section with details of the trip was added at the end.

I love making mini albums. Perfect size for a trip or special event. They make great gifts too-- but this one is all mine. 

Have fun with paper today. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Snow Layout? On Memorial Day Weekend?

Snow? Really? yes, here it is. I'm in the wrong season again. I should be scrapping layouts involving BBQs and picnics. But instead, I grabbed some photos from last December and scrapped those. Of course, sunny California may be sunny right now but it is also a bit cold. I have been wearing sweaters all week. So, maybe my body just thinks it is still winter so I just naturally gravitated to the snow pictures.

 I used the Avonlea paper pack for this layout. The Yosemite title was cut using the Arstiste cricut cartridge. A must have cartridge but not for the font-- for the 700 images you can make with this cartridge. This nice looking font is just a bonus. The flourishes are from an old stamp of the month set that is no longer available.

I wanted to write a lot about the trip. My kids have seldom seen snow. We spent three days hiking and playing in the snow so I wanted to make sure all the details were written somewhere but I didn't want to take up an entire page of the scrapbook on just words. So I hid the journal box.

There is a pocket on the back of the paper that holds a 8x10 sheet of writing with a tab at the top that says "pull me." Our whole trip is documented down to the last detail including my middle child falling asleep on the bumpy shuttle bus in the park.

We took over 300 pictures on this trip. A two page layout just doesn't give me enough room for all these pictures. But once again I must stick to my rule-- no more than a page per day in the album. I ended up with two pages to represent three days. So, to show off the rest of the pictures, I created a mini album which I will share with you tomorrow.

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend. And have fun with paper today!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Zip Lining Layout Using Later Sk8r Paper

I take a lot of photos. I really mean A LOT of photos. I see layouts posted that are beautiful but they have just one photo on it. That will never work for me. I may have a special photo that I will showcase on its own but that is very rare. Plus I try to keep to my rule of no more than one page per day in the album. This keeps my albums down to two 12x12 albums per year. I do end up with a couple of mini books for special events but that's OK. They aren't part of the main family albums.

So, here's the challenge. Taking out a group, such as my Girl Scout Troop, do I highlight one good group photos? Do I take a few pictures that I really like? Or do I make sure everyone is included in the layout? This is the challenge I faced for the following layout.

I decided with including everyone in this layout. That's right- 15 pictures on one page. Luckily only six girls and one adult were zip lining that day. If all 15 Girl Scouts went on this trip, I never would have been able to do this. I must admit that I wasn't sure this was going to work. I had the idea in my mind, but sometimes I am just not able to transfer my ideas to paper. This time, I'm happy to report, it came out great. I was very pleased with the layout.

I have the group picture in the middle. Then I have a picture of each girl zip lining and a close up picture of her right after she landed. Everyone is showcased.

The group picture is a standard 4x6. The smaller photos were printed as wallets, cut down to size, and mounted on Daisy White paper. Each girl's portrait was then pop dotted up.

I use wallets a lot in my layouts. Basically I get more photos on a layout if I do. To order wallets on most sites, you end up with four of the same picture on a wallet sheet. There are a few sites that allow you to change the wallet sheets.The Costco Photo Organizer is a great tool that allows you to make a set of wallets from four different pictures. It also allows you to make smaller photos as well. It is the program I use but unfortunately, Costco no longer supports it so I can't find a link to give you this program.

Another site to get wallets is Fotofriend. The program allows you to design your wallet sheets and allows various sizes of pictures. I'm afraid I have not tried it out yet but have heard good things about it. If you try this site, please tell me your opinions.

Hope you are all working on my challenge of a page a day in the month of May!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Dream Pop Paper Pack

It is National Scrapbooking Month! In honor of this celebration, Close To My Heart is offering a special paper pack called the Dream Pop Paper Pack. It is just $10 with a $35 order.

So much paper for so little. This is only available through the end of May. Go to my site to order or give me  a call.

There are so many things to do with this paper.

These cards were made by CTMH staff. 

This card I found at I love how she used the Perfect Fit stamp set with the silver trim tape and Dream Pop paper.

This paper is a must have. Order it today and be sure to take time and have fun with paper.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Scrapbooking Getaway!

I am home from a fabulous weekend away at Scraptacular ( What a weekend it was! I have had customers ask me how I can take the time away from my family to spend an entire weekend to myself. Honestly, by taking this time to myself, I end up a better mother. Scrapbooking relaxes me. I come home a much calmer mom, and my kids appreciate me much more. This weekend was my Mother's Day gift from my family. A calm me is a gift from me to them. I whole heartily recommend that everyone take a weekend to themselves. If it isn't paper crafting that calms you, find what does and do it.

Scraptacular runs a fun getaway. There are three different rooms to choose from-- the main scrapping room, the cozy croppers, and the quiet room. The main scrapping room is filled with people, vendors, the scrap squad, music, and games. It is a high energy room. The cozy croppers room is similar to the main room without the games and vendors. The quiet room is just that quiet- limited distractions. I prefer the main scrapping room. I love the games and the music and I am always talking with someone new. The scrap room is open all night long.

Here's the main room at 3 in the morning. I wasn't there. I was in bed asleep but my good friend, Meridith, was still up and was one of the last croppers to bed that night.

I love buttons and many crops give out buttons.

This button was given out to the crop. One more piece of bling for my collection.

Scrapbook U ( also offers some great getaways. I am a regular patron of their retreats. The Carmel location is just 5 minutes away from the beach. It is wonderful to hop over the beach and take a walk along the beach in the middle of the day. Scrapbook U's retreats are quieter. Fewer games and less energy. But perfect too. Monica and Veronica make you feel right at home.

What else can you do on a getaway? Have a massage, check out paper crafting vendors, laugh with your friends, have a glass of wine, hide out in your room or next to the pool, and of course, get your craft on!

I worked on a display tray this weekend and am very happy with the results.

I used the CTMH display tray and Avonlea paper to showcase my family photos.  I was inspired to make this after seeing a pin on Pinterest from Lisa Stenz . It was quick and easy to make.

I also worked on my 2013 project 52 binder, completed a mini album, created 8 12x12 pages and 5 cards. My next few blog posts will highlight some of the things that I worked on.

I had a great time playing with my paper and laughing with my friends, but the biggest benefit of the weekend is a calm and relaxed me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Pajama Party with Big Picture Classes

Close To My Heart is teaming up with Big Picture Classes to bring you a live webcast with step-by-step instructions for making this Happy Thoughts kraft container. The FREE webcast will air Thursday, May 30 from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (MDT). During the presentation, you’ll learn to make several projects from a variety of sponsors, including Close To My Heart’s Happy Thoughts kraft container, as the presenter walks you through the steps. Watch the Pajama Party by yourself, with other Consultants, or with your customers for a fun crafting pajama party. Anyone with an Internet connection can watch, so be sure to tell your customers to order their project supplies in advance and then tune in!

The Pajama Party class will be available for FREE at Big Picture on May 30. If you would like to interact on the message board, participate in live chat, post to the gallery, download handouts, or enter any contests, you will need to log in to the Pajama Party “classroom” by creating a free account on the Big Picture Classes website.

To make our Happy Thoughts kraft container, you and your customers will want to have the following items—or similar products—on hand:
  • My Acrylix® Frame Flair Stamp Set (D1546)
  • My Acrylix® Happy Thoughts Stamp Set (C1536)
  • Chantilly Paper Packet (need 1 sheet of B&T, X7163B)
  • Crème Brulee Cardstock (need 1 sheet, X5754)
  • Lagoon Cardstock (need 1 sheet, X5762)
  • White Daisy Cardstock (need 1 sheet, 1385)
  • Whisper Cardstock (need 1 sheet, X5929)
  • Whisper Exclusive Inks® Pad (Z2172)
  • Lagoon Exclusive Inks® Pad (Z2195)
  • My Creations® Kraft Container (Z1833)
  • Baker’s Twine Neutral Assortment (need 3 yards, Z1701)
  • Color-Ready Trinkets Wooden Shapes (Z1844)
  • Sparkles Black & Grey Assortment (Z1754)
  • 3-D Foam Tape (Z1151)
  • Micro-Tip Scissors (Z534)
  • Corner Rounder (Z1912)
  • Paper Trimmer (Z1783)
  • My Acrylix® Spritz Cleaner (1778)
  • My Acrylix® Stamp Scrubber (Z1782)
  • 2" × 3½" My Acrylix® Block (Y1009)
  • 4" × 5" My Acrylix® Block (Y1012)
  • Cricut® Art Philosophy Collection (Z1790)
Go to my website to get the items you need for this class.  I am looking forward to this fun class. I hope you will join me. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Congratulations Card

This Congrats card is made using the For Always Paper Pack. I also used some cranberry paper and daisy white paper. The stamp is from the For Always Workshop on the Go Card kit. Nice stamp set in that kit. The whole kit makes some wonderful cards and well worth the money. I stamped it using pigment ink so I could color in the "Congrats" using an alcohol maker. If I used the dye ink (which is the standard ink), the black might smear. Using the pigment ink allowed the ink to stamp put. The last touch to this card is the fabric skirt. I love using the For Always Textiles! It adds a little something to the card.

Next I need to make a few Mother's Day cards. That will be fun too. Hope you are having fun with paper today!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Creativity: Now and Always

I have been scrapbooking as long as I can remember. I began saving cards, notes, pictures, and ticket stubs on binder paper when I was very little and could barely spell. I don't know what made me want to scrapbook since my mom was never interested in doing it (she does love to receive them as gifts though). I always knew that saving the family memories was important to me. I was the one with the camera. I was the one everyone called if they needed a photo of someone or some thing. I was the one who saved every thing. I still am.

Scrapbooking is not a fad. It is an important part of our lives. I call myself the family historian and there are many people who feel the same way. Even though many scrapbook stores have gone out of business, there are still plenty of us out there looking for more fun ways to preserve our memories. I patronize those small scrapbook shops and the independent papercrafting artists and vendors (like me!). I encourage each of you to do the same. Find a small scrapbook store or independent vendor and see what she has to offer. Give her some business and keep the industry going.

Jeanette Lynton, founder and CEO of Close To My Heart, has written in her blog about the longevity of the scrapbooking industry, despite the recent removals of several scrapbooking lines.  Read about it below, then pop over to my site and support an independent vendor. Then you will be ready for your work as the family historian.

From Jeanette Lynton's blog

Creativity: Now and Always

Within the past month, paper crafters have heard and seen some hard news—well-known industry names have announced bankruptcy or removed their scrapbooking lines. It may leave many wondering what the future is for our beloved pursuit of memory keeping and creativity. As the CEO and Founder of Close To My Heart, I have many thoughts on the topic and wanted to share a few with you.

First off, preserving our memories is NOT a fad. It's one of the most important things we do in our journey here on earth, and it's as key as breathing and as sustainable as family. In the past few years, we have seen scrapbooking come into the spotlight and many flocked to set up shop and design products to capitalize on it. While we at Close To My Heart have welcomed the focus on scrapbooking over the past few years, we know that even when the hubbub fades, the core and relevance underneath the hype remains. I have been in the industry for nearly 30 years—LONG before it was "trendy"—and plan to be in this essential industry for decades to come.

Because Close To My Heart will be here for the long-term, we have run our business differently than many others. We are not leveraged to the hilt or financed by outside investors. I have always believed in organic, cash-based growth, and the simple provident rule of spending less than I earn. It's a principle I've applied to business and it's ensured that Close To My Heart operates profitably. We have been profitable month after month, year after year. Our credit rating is excellent, and this protects our commitment to delivering a wealth of diverse, beautiful products at competitive prices while providing secure commission checks for our Consultants, employees, and vendors.

Second, yes, the industry is changing. I welcome and embrace that! In my 30 years in business, I have seen many changes and they almost always yield fresh directions, new products, and a new crop of crafters. Change always brings opportunity! I have long said that as long as little girls are born with hands, they will want to create. I am grateful to be a part of such an important contribution to society and know that this will continue.

Ultimately, I invite everyone—whether you are an existing Consultant or customer, a past purchaser, or even if you have never purchased a Close To My Heart product—to get to know us again for the first time. Close To My Heart is strong. Papercrafting, memory keeping, and creativity are more important than ever before and we provide unique, diverse products for every style and ability of crafter.  Close To My Heart is committed to scrapbooking, and if it's a passion you share, then YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Project 52 and a Challenge

Last week I posted a picture of the album I made out of a binder I picked up at Michaels.

Last year, I was working on a Project 365 album. I took a picture each day and scrapbooked it documenting my family's life. Well, I didn't get pictures for all 365 days. I did come close. And I am still working on getting all those pictures and notes into the album. I am very proud of that work even though it was a bit much.

I decided that this year I am going to make a Project 52 album. I am using this binder as my album. I pick one (and only one) picture each week to highlight in the album. I add notes about the picture as well as quick notes about other things that have gone on during the week. I add a lot of basics-- track practice, guitar classes, big project in school due--that sort of thing. I also add the big stuff- celebrations, trips,... This will give me a snapshot of the year. I will do more scrapbooking of things in the year too such as the New Year's Day mini album I posted a few weeks ago and every day pages for my standard 12 x 12 album. But if I don't get everything scrapped, I have this binder to let us know what happened during the year.

I have been able to keep up from week to week since each page is very simple and the kids have enjoyed looking at it as I go along. Although I might have to have an addendum since on almost every page one of them tells me to add something else. I think this is one project that I will complete in the year and not fall behind on.

And now for the CHALLENGE!

Way back when -- I was a new mother then-- so long ago, a paper company celebrated National Scrapbooking Month with a challenge of a doing a page every day for the month. It was called A Page A Day In The Month Of May. I can't remember which company it was but I always remember that campaign. I did do a page a day that month and it carried into the next month. My goal for years was at least 30 pages each month. Currently my goal is 15 pages per month. However, this month I am going to try to do a page a day in the month of May!  And I challenge you all to do the same thing! Who is with me? Let's have fun with paper this month while getting a lot done.