Monday, July 22, 2013

Another Pajama Party Coming Soon

Close To My Heart is teaming up with Big Picture Classes again to bring you a live webcast with step-by-step instructions for making this layout using the Cricut® Artbooking collection. Purchase the collection beginning August 1, 2013 and revolutionize the way you scrapbook!
The FREE webcast will air Wednesday, July 31 at 7:00 pm (MDT). During the presentation, you’ll learn to make several projects from a variety of sponsors, including Close To My Heart’s Artbooking layout, as CTMH's very own Kristine Widtfeldt walks you through the steps—and sneaks the Artbooking collection!

The Pajama Party class will be available for FREE at on July 31, and will be archived after the event for future viewing. If you would like to interact on the message board, participate in live chat, post to the gallery, download handouts, or enter any contests, you will need to log in to the Pajama Party “classroom” by creating a free account on the Big Picture Classes website. If you have already created an account or if you registered for the first Pajama Party in May, you are all set! You will not need to create another account or register again.

The Cricut Artbooking Collection will be available on August 1. I am offering it at $10 off the price of $99 through August 10. Please email or call me ASAP with your order. Also, if you would like a new Idea Book, please let me know. 

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