Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's a Wrap!

With Christmas just a few days away, I am doing a lot of wrapping. Since I have many teenage and college age family, I tend to give a lot of gift cards. I really dislike putting an envelope under the tree. I want to make it look a little more festive. So, I am using my Cricut.

I have said before not to spend money on things when you can make it easy enough at home.

The blue pillow box was quick to make. I used the Art Philosophy cartridge and Indian Corn Blue paper. I just grabbed a partially used sheet I had sitting on my desk. This pattern is on page 28 of the Art Philosophy booklet. Set the Cricut at 6 inches. Press font layer, shift, <flower4>. Follow the score marks to fold. I only glue the side. The ends just fold in easily. If you want to stamp it, make your folds then stamp it before making it into the shape. That's where I went wrong. I think this would have looked really cute with silver stars but I already put it together when I thought of it. After adding the gift card inside, I added an organza ribbon that I recycled from another package.

Isn't this cute?! I used the Artiste cartridge with Pear and Partridge paper. On page 68 of the Artiste booklet, this pattern is 11 inches so you do need a full sheet of paper. One cut. 3-D object, <birthday boy>. Fold along the scored lines. Of course, Artiste makes it easy with a separate guide showing how the 3-D objects are put together.

Have fun with paper as you do your wrapping this weekend.

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