Friday, July 6, 2012

Scrapbooking and Photography as an Art Form

Rickey and I volunteered at the County Fair this year. Our assignment was the Fine Arts show-- watching the art work and keeping the area clean. Most of the time during our couple of days at the fair, we talked and looked at the art work. Rickey and I started thinking about our own art and if we should display it.

Rickey is a budding photographer. While he was backpacking the Grand Canyon with his Boy Scout Troop, he took some lovely photos. I am very proud of my boy.

Rickey is planning on taking a photography class and was wondering if he should maybe next year entering one of his favorite pictures in the photography contest at the fair.

I started to wonder about my art work. I take a lot of pictures (and I do mean A LOT of pictures). I don't think I am taking any award winning pictures these days. But maybe I should try. Rickey and I can do this together as a mother son project. When the kids were really little, I enjoyed taking photography classes and working with film. I even took a class on developing black and white film. I don't use my film camera anymore. Now, I need to learn to use my digital camera and maybe some photo software.

Can my scrapbook pages also be considered art? I think so. Most aren't award winning quality. I do a lot of quick pages. I believe in getting it done and not spend hours on a page. But sometimes I create some pages that is very fancy. Can I create a page worthy enough to enter in an art contest? I think I will try. A collage piece would be right in line with some of the pieces I saw at the fair. It would also be a lot of fun to do.

So, Rickey and I have made our plan. We will play with the camera more and learn to use all the settings on the camera. We will create wonderful pieces of art, worthy of viewing by the public. We will enter a piece in the 2013 County Fair.

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