Friday, June 22, 2012

Victory Layouts

The Victory Paper Packet (X7150B) is a wonderful set for those outdoor and boy photos.

Besides the Victory Pack, I used Tough Tags (Z1692) and the Color Ready Cork Alphabet (Z1450). Along the edges of the pictures and paper, I used the Edge Distresser (Z1297). I love to add a lot of pictures on one page. I know the "in" thing is to have one picture and more open space or art. But I can't seem to do that. My albums are more about the pictures than the art. I like pictures, pictures and more pictures! So, I tend to print my pictures as wallet sizes.

Again I have a lot of pictures on one page. This time I added a little mini album. Basically, I cut a 12 by 12 piece of card stock in thirds. Then I folded it at 3 3/4 inch. You need a little extra left over at the end to use as an anchor for the next piece. Glue them together with strong adhesive to make the little booklet.

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