Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mini Albums

Since I limit the main family album to no more than 1 page per day, I need some place for those extra pictures. Yes, I did write one page per day. Not one layout-- one page. Most pages represent several days with a single page to highlight one particular day of the week.

I have had a lot of fun with mini albums which help me with all those extra photos that I want to keep but not have in my main album, the 365 project album. I have made mini albums out of chip board, card stock, paper bags, and tags. There are so many different ways to make a mini album.  A friend of mine found an address book at the dollar store. She took out the address pages, added card stock, decorated the cover, and added pictures. It ended up a wonderful mini album of her daughter's birthday party.

This is a mini album I made of our trip to Tahoe in January. I actually made the album without pictures in November anticipating our snow trip. However, January came and there was no snow in the Sierras, something that never happens. When I added the pictures to the album I added "not so" to the "Snowy Days" title.

I like to add a lot of pictures on a page. I tend to use wallet size photos with the occasional 4 x 6. I do this in my 12 x 12 album as well. I know the style is to have one picture per page but that would never work for me. I like my albums to show my artistic side but the primary purpose of the albums is to document my family. One photo per page just doesn't cut it.

I used the My Creations All Sorts Mini Album (Z1224) as a base with the Winter Wonderland paper pack. You can use just about anything to create a mini album but Close To My Heart has a few templates to make it a little easier. I like easy.

Mini albums make great gifts too. For my daughter's first birthday, my sister in law made her an ABC mini album. Each letter represented a picture on the page. Q was a photo of Cait on her favorite quilt. It was a wonderful gift that I will cherish forever. Making a little album, decorated but without photos, is great for that friend who always admires your albums but is not interested in doing her own. She would just need to print a few pictures and have her own album.

Try out a mini album today!

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