Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Year in Pictures Album

My friend, Mer, and I have made a commitment to document 2012 in pictures and actually get them into an album. We each have our different specifications for this project. Here are mine:

1.  Take a least one photo every day
2.  Journal in a Word document a few notes about the day including one word that describes something about the day.
3.  Create the album. Each day can be no more than one page in the album but I can have multiple days on each page. However, each day must be journaled individually.

Some times I take so many pictures that I end up with several pages with just one event. Then I end up with an big album that covers just a short amount of time! AND then I never seem to get through the back log of photos I have. I have decided that all those photos don't need to be in an album. All the photos are on my computer if I need them. However, I want to be able to showcase what our family is doing,  not yet another birthday party or all my wildflower photos. Those pictures are important to me but I do get bogged down on huge events in the past. I will leave those big events on the computer and just use one picture to represent the event.

I think the main thing I am trying to do with this album is capture the little things that happen every day and the details about every day life. One day last week I took my oldest to the optometrist. She now needs reading glasses. My picture of the day is of her with those funky, plastic eye protectors you get from the optometrist's office after your eyes are dilated. My journaling is all about her feelings about needing glasses. These are the day to day details that we tend to forget.

So here we are in February. Are my pages done for January? No, I do have the first week completed. I have photos and journaling all ready to go. Now, I just need to take the time to put them on paper.

This page represents January 2. It was a big day in our family with everyone getting together so I used an entire page for one day. I used the Elemental paper pack and added decorative elements using the Decor Journaling Spots, Cork Alphabet, and the Love Life stamp set.

The facing page in the album is the next four days. Each day has a photo and a journaling box. I used the Elemental  paper again. Since the pages were next to each other, I wanted some coordination. But they are different themes so I changed the colors. The pages go together but they don't go together.

Now, I must set some time tonight to work on a couple more pages. I guess I'd better add it to my calendar. If I don't something else will get put in that spot and I will never get to my photos.

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