Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ivy Lane Cards

I don't usually do well with pinks and purples. I am a blue and green girl. But my last few classes have been with pinks and purples. So, I had to step outside my comfort zone a little. That is always a good thing since we do tend to get bogged down doing the same thing over and over. I had a hostess ask for Ivy Lane Paper and I wanted to take part in a color challenge. Here I go:

A few weeks ago, I saw a post by Pam Jarrett using the embossing folder to make a flower. I had to make that flower! I was so excited, I just couldn't wait to make a flower like that. So while designing my Ivy Lane class, I attempted the flower using Hollyhock paper. And I am really happy with the result.

I used the Art Philosophy cartridge to cut three different sized flowers. Then embossed two using CTMH's dot embossing folder. I creased the petals to give it dimension and added 3-D foam tape in between each flower. Love how it came out. 

This card was our experiment with color card. I cut up the Ivy Lane paper into pieces and let my class go to town creating a card. I have to admit that I cut them all so they would fit together like I have above. But the class didn't keep it simple. None of the four ladies stuck to this layout. They moved everything around and had a  great time playing with their paper. 

I used the colonial white value pack card as a base to this card. But I swiped the card with blush pigment ink. I like the look of the background- as if I used paint. 

I'm entering both of these cards in the Color My Heart: Color Dare (Color Dare #87). Always fun to have a challenge! Check out the Color Dare and take the challenge. Do a little something outside your comfort zone and see where it takes you.


  1. One of the things I love about crafting is the ability to take someone's idea and tweek it to make it your own. Love that you gave your ladies some guidance and then let them loose. I'm sure some of them were stunned at how lovely their cards turned out even though they didn't follow your example exactly. :) Thanks for sharing with us at Color My Heart.

    1. Thanks Becca! I do try to have one project that encourages creativity and not follow my example. It is always fun to see what everyone comes up with.

  2. I can completely relate Cathryn, I'm a blue kind of gal also! It has been fun playing with Ivy Lane papers though! And you did a wonderful job on these cards! Both are beautiful & I just love the embossing on the flowers!
