Friday, February 15, 2013

Bumble Bee Cards

Yesterday, I put together two cards using the same products with different results.

To get the multi-color effect on the stamped image, I inked the image with honey ink. Then I used daubers to ink the other colors. I used one dauber for sunset ink on the bee and another for cocoa ink around the stamp. When using a dauber, you are able to show multiple colors on one stamp. It is a nice look and very easy. Before stamping, I gave the stamp a hot breath to revive the inks. The image came out perfect. The important thing to remember when using multiple inks is  to start with the lightest color and work toward the darkest. If I had started with the cocoa, we would never have seen the honey.

I used my daubers to ink the edges of the paper-- mostly in cocoa but also added a touch of the sunset.

Daubers are a great tool to have on hand while you are stamping. Plus a set of three is only $3.95. I have two sets that I keep with my sponges in a baggy. Each night when I am done with crafting, I wash the ink out and let them dry overnight. Then they are ready for my next day of crafting. A friend of mine has one for each color, with each dauber labeled with the ink color, keeping them in a case all together. She doesn't want to worry about mixing colors. Both ways work just fine. Find the way that works for you.

Both cards use the Buzz and Bumble paper pack and the Quick Cards- Bumble Bee stamp. The lower one I added some burlap ribbon. Which card do you like best? I love burlap ribbon and am always trying to add it somewhere so I was sure I would like that one better. But surprisingly, the top card without the ribbon is my favorite. After taking the picture, that card was signed and put in the mail to a dear friend who is battling cancer. I hope it cheers her up as much as it cheered me by making it.

Have fun with paper today!

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