Thursday, August 30, 2012

Digital Scrapbooking

My daughter has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award and we are preparing for her ceremony. I want to have an album highlighting her years and achievements as a Girl Scout. I have tons and tons of pages in our family albums with trips, cookie sales, awards, ceremonies, and friends. Too many for one album. So I thought I'd gather up my favorite pictures from her Girl Scout years and put together one album. I don't have a lot of time to get this done so I thought I'd try a little digital scrapbooking. I clicked on Studio J (

Within an hour, I had eight pages done! Here is a two page layout on her trip to England.

So quick and easy. I don't know if I'll the whole album this way, but I am thinking about a few more pages. Studio J is helping me not be so stressed about the upcoming ceremony.

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