Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Preparing for a Scrapbooking Retreat

Have you ever thought of spending the weekend crafting? There are a lot of fun retreats out there. And I really recommend you check them out. It is a wonderful way to spend the weekend- relaxing, working on pages, and laughing with friends.  I used to work for a company called Gotta Crop. We had so much fun on our weekend getaways. I do miss those times. I have also attended Scrapbook U Creates (http://www.scrapbooku.com/) and Scraptacular (http://scraptaculargetaways.com//). Both companies put on a fabulous retreat. You can stay up late into the night scrapbooking in your pajamas, take a class, check out vendors, and leave your scrapbooking stuff out all weekend. Often you can get a massage, play games, and get a pedicure. These getaways are really a time to get a way from everything and just think about your craft.

Once you have signed up for your retreat, you do want to be ready when the time comes. So, do a bit of prep work.

I start with pictures. I will print out all the pictures I want to work with. I plan out how many layouts I want to work on during the retreat and then add a few extras. I like to have more than I need just in case I get more done than I expect or I end up hating a layout and I end up putting it away for another time.

Lay out the pictures in groups along the table and then pick the paper you want to use with it. If I am planning out an entire album, I might lay everything out across the floor so I have plenty of room. This is a difficult option if you have little kids or cats in the house.  (Actually the cats will sometimes walk across the papers on the table too.) I feel it is really a time saver to plan a lot of pages at once. If you look at multiple sets of pictures, you have everything in your mind as you are going through your paper. You might find paper for the last page before finding something that works for the first.

OK- so we have the pictures and the paper. Next is embellishments.  Do we need stamp sets? Bling? ribbon? Flowers? I put the embellishments you might use with the paper and pictures.

Then I make notes about the layout. Sometimes I have this great idea and then the day comes I open up my box and have no idea what I was thinking. I need notes. 

Put each page kit together. Sometimes I stack them up in a 12x12 box. Other projects such as mini books are bigger and need a project bag. However I decide to store it, I need to keep each project together. 

Next, we go to tools. Adhesive is the first thing to think about. I always make sure I have extra. It's terrible when you run out of adhesive at midnight. Most retreats have vendors on hand with adhesive, but we all have our favorites. Make sure you have plenty of your favorite glue. Then we need a paper trimmer, scissors, inks, tweezers, punches, ... The basic things you use at every crop. Think about the layouts you have planned. Is there a special tool you need?  I usually pack a pack of unscented baby wipes since I always end up with ink all over my fingers. I can't just throw it all in a bag. I need it in a bin that I am able to see where things are. Find what is right for you.

Other things to think about bringing: an Ott light, Cricut, computer. I always bring my light since many hotel ballrooms don't have proper lighting for color matching. Some retreats have a tool station with a Cricut or other die cutting machine, punches, journaling computer and printer. Take a look at the website and find out what is offered before coming. Remember to bring an extension cord for your electronics and some duct tape to tape it to the floor.

Then of course, I think about food. Many retreats offer meals and snacks. But I always have my own snacks. Water, chocolate, chips and salsa, an apple,  even a bottle of wine.

Now I am ready to pack it all up. It's important to pack so you can find everything. Nobody wants to spend the entire weekend looking for things. Being organized will help you get things done and help you relax.

With a little prep work, you can have a fun and productive time on your retreat. Happy crafting!

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