Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Crush Albums

Yesterday, my girls and I spent the afternoon working on our albums. It was a great afternoon! We each are using a My Crush album which makes scrapbooking really easy.

Cait is working on an album documenting her first year of college. She is using the My Crush Wildwood Book .

As in all the My Crush books, the pages are set and printed. You just add your pictures, notes, and any embellishments. Cait finished quite a few pages but she hasn't written about the pictures yet. She does have journalling blocks on her pages ready. Plus she added sticky notes to remind her about what she wants to write. 

Elyse is working with the My Crush Bluebird Book to put all her concert tickets in one spot. Elyse loves seeing bands live and has quite a big stack of tickets starting from when she was a pre-teen! She is putting them all together in one album with a few pictures. 

One concert, one page is her album plan. It is coming together very nicely!

I was working on my December Daily album with the My Crush Holiday Happenings Book. Well, it started as a December Daily but it ended up just a December album. I ended up pretty sick for most of December. Pictures did not get taken. But I did document my illness and trip to the ER. Christmas Week is very full and will take up most of the album.  

Sometimes I add more paper. Sometimes I just write right over the printed paper.

One thing I like about the My Crush Books is that it is more of a journal than a traditional scrapbook. I don't have to follow the usual rules. I tend to put the pictures in any old way I want. Sometimes I leave a border. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I mat them. I can do what ever I want. It's my book.

I added a piece of the program from a church service. The song really inspired me that night so I added it to the book. 

I think how funny it is that we all decided to work on a My Crush Book at the same time. It worked out perfectly. I am looking forward to another day of cropping with my girls soon. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

December Daily Album-- The Beginning

I have a new goal! This month, I will be documenting our lives daily. I want to show our Advent preparations and our daily lives.

So... to begin I need an album.

I have chosen the My Crush Holiday Happenings Book.

There are 30 pages in this book which isn't enough for a page a day. I am starting on November 30, the first Sunday of Advent, which is when our celebrations begin, and I plan on ending on January 1, when our family celebrates new beginnings with a New Year's Adventure. Some days might need more than one page. Some days will need a half of a page. I will supplement this book with flip flaps and adding fold out pages made of card stock. I have high hopes for this album.

Now to begin!

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. I took many pictures yesterday and have a couple ready to be printed as wallet sizes. Here are a few that I am printing. Not all can make it to the December Daily Album but I do want to have my options ready.

The Advent candles I think are a must to be in the album.

My daughter's dorm room window. She hung her lights before she came home for Thanksgiving so they would be ready. When I dropped her off Sunday night, she turned them on so I could see. Love it!
Then I have a couple pictures of the kids hanging up the lights around our house. Not great pictures. I might skip these pictures and just describe it in words. 

Lastly, I have a several pictures of my monsters. I was trying to get a good shot of the three of them together for our Christmas card. I think they are getting too old for me to have a formal shot. This casual shot shows them as the happy teens they are. But the messy hair and sweatshirts are driving me crazy. This is them though. It is best to show who they are and not a staged shot. I'm still thinking about it.

I will have the pictures printed today and pick them up while I am out running errands. Then I will be ready to start with Day 1!